The Law of the Jungle…Survival of the Fittest…everyone has heard these expressions, but have you ever taken the time to examine what they really mean?

Nowadays, most of us seem to be happy with just watching a bunch of contestants on television competing to one up each other in a so-called reality wilderness survival show. Unfortunately, the only “survival skill” these people seem to know is how to stab each other in the back so they are eliminated from the competition.

With all of our technological advances and creature comforts, we have been lulled into a false sense of security, thinking we will never have to deal with struggling to survive.

Seriously, when was the last time you prepared an entire meal from scratch, without using the microwave? Better yet, when was the last time you spent some time with your family, or even just by yourself, without watching television? If we think that we will always be safe, we really do need to snap out of it! Just look at some of the horrendous storms and “natural” disasters that have occurred just this past decade.

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